Geoinformation systems
Geoinformation systems

Data integration
In public authorities and companies, it is becoming increasingly important to structure and provide large volumes of geodata as automatically as possible. These so-called data integration solutions can be mapped using spatial ETL processes.
- Creating workflows with various ETL tools (Apache Airflow / Hopp, FME, Talend, ...)
- Data preparation of old data stocks - maps, plans, aerial photographs, etc. (digitising, georeferencing, vectorising)
- Data conversion, data transformation, geocoding
- Shell scripting or Python scripting for recurring workflows

Geodatabases and GIS
The use of geodatabases is ideal for the management of spatial databases. As a rule, geodatabases form the basis of geoinformation systems and geodata infrastructures (GDI) with the associated geodata services. Geodatabases utilise spatial data types and indices to store spatial information. Building on this, the integration of spatial operators and functions enables the processing of geodata directly in a database. We develop and support, among other things:
- Database design
- GDI for infrastructure data from electricity and grid providers, transport companies, logistics, healthcare ...
- Storage of line networks or roads in the form of topological data as a basis for route planning (node-edge model)
- Data management of GIS applications, e.g. access of a QGIS plug-in to a geodatabase