Environmental modelling
Environmental modelling

Model system STOFFBILANZ
The STOFFBILANZ model system (www.stoffbilanz.de) is a geoscientific tool for modelling water and material flows in catchment areas, which we are continuously developing further. It enables the calculation of actual conditions and management scenarios and derives mitigation options and strategies for the input of substances into groundwater and surface waters. STOFFBILANZ has been specially developed for the mesoscale and establishes a link between large- and small-scale processes. A detailed description of the model is available here.
- Water balance
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Management scenarios

VisDat developed the WebGIS-based STOFFBILANZ viewer to combine user-friendliness, technical aspects and river basin management requirements. This has been used by numerous state and federal offices in Germany and by international project partners since 2005.In practice, model areas are systematically analysed by using several linked individual models (e.g. climate, water balance, groundwater and vegetation models) and measured values for a wide range of parameters. The effort required to analyse and provide these increasingly extensive data sets is often underestimated. This is where the STOFFBILANZ viewer supports specialised users. A sample application is also publicly available at viewer.stoffbilanz.de.
- Water balance
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Management scenarios

Method development and research
Using our database, GIS and programming environments and our technical expertise, we put methods from the fields of environmental analysis, assessment and ecosystem services into practice.
- Regression analysis methods for the simulation of area runoff
- Day-based simulation of water flows
- Simulation of the soil water balance
- Evaporation calculations (e.g. FAO-ET0, FAO-ETc)
- Simulation of groundwater residence times (Darcy)
- Calculation of the retention of sediments and nutrients in surface waters
- Daily and yearly simulation of soil erosion by water (USLE, M-USLE)
- Simulation of sediment inputs into surface waters
- Simulation of dissolved and particle-bound substance inputs into seepage water, groundwater and surface waters
- Simulation of measure impact potentials for dissolved and particle-bound substance inputs
- GIS-based relief analysis
- Digital satellite image analysis
- Creation of digital soil maps and soil information systems
- Application of multivariate geostatistical methods